Tuesday, February 10, 2009



I went to my first Pro-Bowl ever...and unfortunately probably be my last because the NFL will be having the Pro-Bowl where ever the Super Bowl will be played. Me personally, I think that is so whack! People love coming to Hawaii and spending a vacation here while getting to watch their favorite players from their favorite teams. Plus, it is a big economy boast for Hawaii. But whatever, I can argue all day that the Pro-Bowl should stay in Hawaii but its not going to make it stay here so here are some pics from this years Pro-Bowl...

Aloha does mean Hello, so hello to my first Pro-Bowl!

My first Pro-Bowl and it was fun, super packed, but fun nonetheless.

FITTED tailgaters!

Walking all over the Stadium, had to get all angles of the game.

Aloha also means goodbye..so Aloha to the Pro-Bowl...

What next?

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