Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!  


Halloween here in Hawaii is BANANAS!!! And thats to say the least. Waikiki is always packed no matter what day Halloween falls on. And since it fell on a Friday this year, the keys was dummy packed!! The traffic was nuts so me, Danak & my uncle (Afresh) walked from our house down to Waikiki. It was about a 20 minute walk from the house so it wasn't that bad. As soon as we hit the strip, it was crazy! Half naked people walking around, seen so many Borats, school girls, football players, just seen some mainey ass costumes in general. We checked out Monkey Bar at the Hyatt and then I went to check out Cirque to support the homies of SoHI. So I was pretty much going back and forth between those two places. Then I spent the rest of my night with good was cool. I didn't even sleep yet! I walked home around 6:30ish this morning! Longest day of my life!!! But I am not complaining. Enjoy the pics!

Danak x Bobby Filipino x know we had to take one before we left the spot!

Danak didn't even drink yet and he gets in trouble with the, just playin'.

The line going into the Monkey Bar.

FITTED x Berceau x Huf...SF homies.

Another shot of that long ass line.

The madness inside...

Cirque was dummy packed as well...

Renzo gettin' his shine on...

Get'em!!! lol

Walking home at 6:30a.m....

What next?

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