Sunday, October 5, 2008
Busy Busy Busy
0 commentsOk, so sorry for the lack of updates. I been hella busy but here are some updates about Friday & Saturday night. So lets start with Friday night shall we. Friday night started off with another softball game and another loss. But we did play well, we lost in the bottom of the last inning by 1 run, but you know what??? WE'RE STILL IN THE PLAYOFFS!! haha. So after that, I had to go back to work to set up the shop for saturdays big FITTED sale. We didn't leave the shop until 1am! I never realized how many hats we had!
So after we were done setting shit up, me & Young Rae met up with Jared the Birthday boy at The Lounge only to find him hella ripped!! ahah...Happy Birthday again bruh!
On to Saturday...

The sale was BANANAS!!! The first ones in line started lining up at 4am and the last person in the line didn't get into the shop until about 6pm. The line seemed like it never ended or got shorter! Everyone who came out left with at least a shirt, shit for 10 bucks a shirt, I would have dropped bank! We also gave away free food and Red Bull so we were all amped up on that. But it was fun, good BBQ, made money, customers were happy, all in all, it was a successful sale! I was exhausted when I got home, all I did was do laundry, watch "The Warriors," and knocked out!

Oh yea, I still got to upload some pics about the move and let you guys know about that but I'm done for now. Peace!
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