In the Studio...
0 commentsIm in South City with my boys Pfunk and Enoch just chillen at their house/studio. Its good to be home and to kick it with some old homies. So I'm just blogging while they're making beats and rhymes...well they're done and now they're getting ready to go out to 330 Rich and just post it. I got pics on the way, but first I need to take some pics! haha...aight, Ill be back! Peace!
by Bobby Filipino
Back to the Bay!
0 commentsYessir! I am home! I landed back in San Francisco around 10:30ish and it is cold as shit here! I was on the same flight as my homie Alex who works for HEAVYWATER magazine and who is the Dragon glasses rep. So we were chopping it up at the airport and on the plane so that was cool having one of the homies on the same flight as me. So I know I haven't really been posting lately because of this crazy past week. But now I am home and I can catch up on this whole blogging shit and I can post up some pics from this past week because I know you guys rather see pics then read what I am
by Bobby Filipino
I'm Back!
Shit, this past week has been hella busy, with graduation and family being out here, I've really haven't had the time to hop on a computer and blog. So seeing as I have a little time, here is some pics of my grad! The pics are out of order but oh well. Ill be on real soon to upload more pics of this week and to update as well. Peace.
by Bobby Filipino
0 commentsyo, sorry for the lack of updates...i had finals, now my fam is in for graduation, ive been super busy, you know how it is! but i will update soon with hella pics so stay tune!
by Bobby Filipino
1 down, 2 more to go
1 commentsI got final done, 2 more to go and I am done!!! I graduate a week from today!!
by Bobby Filipino
by Bobby Filipino
1 commentsThis week is my last week of classes before finals and before I GRADUATE!!! I have waited for this day but it isn't here yet and I still need to get through my finals so please pray for me and be patient because I wont be posting as much until I am done.
by Bobby Filipino
Twitter is like crack!
1 commentsYa boy finally stopped sleeping and hopped on that Twitter jump off like my boy knowxone has been telling me! Hop on that twitter tip tho foreal foreal! Here's my twitter link because I know yall can't get enough of Bobby Filipino..haha..sike! aww..I'm not, here you go:
by Bobby Filipino
Word of Life
1 commentsYesterday, a couple of us went to Word of Life church instead of Mystical Rose. It was a good choice. The service was good to say the least. I needed to hear what the message was and I needed to reconnect with God and work on my relationship with him. It was a good sunday but I forgot to clean the bathroom and my uncle is gonna beat my ass! lol
by Bobby Filipino